Can I click and collect my order?

Yes you can. Our opening hours are Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00am – 5:00pm, Thu 10:00am – 7:00pm.

Do you have free delivery?

We offer free delivery for orders over $150 with the exception of heavy or bulky items. Items that are not eligible for free delivery will be stated so on the item listing. This is solely at the discretion of Luminous Treasures and is subject to change at any time without notice.

Where do you post to?

We offer shipping anywhere in Australia including Norfolk Island.

Do you ship to other countries?

If you are outside of Australia and would like to make a purchase, please contact Luminous Treasures here.

What payment options do you have?

We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, EFTPOS, Square gift cards and e-gift cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Paypal.

Do you have gift vouchers?

Yes we offer square gift cards with no expiry date.

What if I buy a gift for someone and they don’t like it?

We understand that gift giving can be challenging, so our customers can shop with confidence knowing that we will exchange or refund a purchase in accordance with our returns policy. You can view our Returns Policy here.

What currency is used on this website?

All prices are in Australian Dollars on our website and in store including gift cards.

Can I add or remove items from my order after completing checkout?

Unfortunately, once your order has been completed you are not able to adjust it. You can return items by following our Returns Policy here

Can I use a gift card as payment?

Yes you can use Square gift cards issued by Luminous Treasures.

Can I exchange my gift card or e-gift card for cash, get a refund or buy other gift cards?

You cannot get a refund on gift cards or e-gift cards purchased. You cannot use gift cards or e-gift cards to purchase other gift card or e-gift cards nor can you exchanged them for cash.

Do I need an account to place an order?

The easiest way to complete checkout is to create an account and login each time you want to make a purchase, however, if you would prefer to checkout as a guest we don’t mind if you want to avoid creating a account.

Where can I purchase Trollbeads?

As a Trollbeads Partner, this brand is only available to purchase in store or via a zoom appointment. Please send us an email and let us know how you would like to view the collection and we’ll be in touch soon.
